The Brat Pak ~ Home Daycare & Preschool.

Our Program


Our programming can be said to be eclectic as we pull from several learning models. It is a blend of Montessori, Emilia Reggio, High Scope and Les Jeux, C’est Magique philosophies.

Emilia Reggio

Heralding from Italy, a major “Emilia” strategy we use is too purposely allow mistakes to happen, or to begin a project with no clear sense of where it might end,she is our biggest influence. We use the environment as an additional teacher; it is ever changing as directed by the children. Listening to and observing each child in our care is crucial to an active learning process. The child has many languages and we need to be sensitive to all of them and thus include an opportunity to use them in daily play.


The Montessori philosophy is built upon the idea that children develop and think differently than adults, and that they are not merely "adults in small bodies". The Brat Pak endorses this belief and embodies many of their ideas.


High Scope and Les Jeux, C’est Magique philosophies.

Both are alike as they are different sides of the French /English coin. An important part of the High Scope/Les Jeux, C’est Magique approach is the
plan-do-review sequence. Children first plan what they want to play with and how they want to play. (Individually or in small groups) Once they have made a plan (however vague), of what they want to do, can then go and play. After playtime, we discuss what they have been doing and whether it was successful. At the Brat Pak we implement this on an almost daily basis. Both programs advocate the inclusion of interest areas or corners. We use this concept in both our in door and outdoor environments

"Our curriculum provides a framework to ensure that each child receives the best care and education for every aspect of their development. "

-This will be achieved through a combination of planned activities; learning through play and first hand experiences.

- All activities are open ended and we believe that it is the PROCESS that is of value and not merely the PRODUCT,

- We applaud mistakes as it is through such mistakes that growth and learning occurs.· 

- By close observation and continual assessment, therefore identifying any specific problems a child has, so these can be addressed before they start school.

- By careful planning with a theme each month. The topics cover the six learning goals. Personal, social, and emotional; Communication, language and literacy; Mathematical development, Knowledge and understanding of the world; Physical development and creative development. Topics which are child initiated are also developed to enhance their interests.

The curriculum is planned carefully to ensure continuity and progression, yet also accounts for the wide range of abilities and backgrounds of each child. There are times for stories, music and movement and outdoor play, specific pre-reading, writing and number skills are taught at the pace of the individual child.

In this happy and comfortable atmosphere, you can be sure that your child is well cared for and helped to develop his/her full potential.


Daily Activity Calendar- Winter/Spring 2016

Nothing is ever written in stone, this is a global guideline only. I do follow the cues given to me by the children in my care, paying particular attention to their interest and wellness levels. During all seasons we do as much as possible outdoors and catch up on the activities that necessitate being indoors on rainy, snowy, nasty days. In the winter the time outdoors may be shorter but we do go out on daily basis weather and health permitting. Free play is build in between activities. Toilet and diaper changes as necessary. Babies remain on their own respective nap schedules. Free play is built in between each activity.   Toilet and diaper changes are of course done as necessary. Babies remain on their own respective nap schedule.














Breakfast if required & free play.

Breakfast if required & free play.

Breakfast if required & free play.

Breakfast if required & free play.

Breakfast if required & free play.


Directed Free Play

Directed Free Play

Directed Free Play

Directed Free Play

Directed Free Play

This day may be themed  (see Fridge Door News)


The learning circle (PLAN)

The learning circle & Yoga 

The learning circle (DISCUSS)

The learning circle & Yoga

The learning circle (RECALL)


Yoga/Outdoor activities

Creative Dance or outdoor activities

Gym or Outdoor activities.

Low organised games or outdoor activities

Park Friday or Indoor Loony Toons = Free Friday.






Snack at park or picnic style indoors.


Arts & Crafts

Kitchen Fun  (Science)

Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts

Dramatic Story Play & Dress up








Music with Billy

Music with Billy

Music with Billy

Music with Billy

Music from around the world with Kai & Lisa














Quiet Story Time

Quiet Story Time

Quiet Story Time

Quiet Story Time

Quiet Story Time


Naps/Rest break

Naps/Rest break

Naps/Rest break

Naps/Rest break

Naps/Rest break




















Interactive story telling

Learning about my world (Geography)

Interactive story telling

Learning about my world (Geography)

Interactive story telling


Preschool learning… Computers/Stations/Puzzles one on one instruction..

Preschool learning… Computers/Stations/Puzzles one on one instruction..

Preschool learning… Computers/Stations/Puzzles one on one instruction..

Preschool learning… Computers/Stations/Puzzles one on one instruction..

Free Choice of Activity


Free play/Choice

 Free play/Choice

 Free play/Choice

 Free play/Choice



Tidy up  & sing along

Tidy up  & sing along

Tidy up  & sing along

Tidy up  & sing along

Tidy Up  & sing along
